It’s a warm, bright morning and everything seems to be going pretty routine. Wake up, get the kids ready for school, and kiss them all goodbye before they load the bus. Once that’s done, I sit down in front of my computer and check over the latest emails, news, and update our social media platforms. I sip my coffee and savor its warmth. I shower and get ready for the day. I was planning a day marketing in the local areas. I like to get out and interact with the community around me. Let them know there is a business, out in the local commnity, ready to help.
The Universe had other plans…
The telephone rings.
"Hello, this is Bio-One. How can I help you?"
All I hear is sobbing and loss of breath on the other end of the line.
"Are you ok?"
It’s a heartbroken father, he is calling for a suicide cleanup for his preteen son.
My heart beats rapidly and aches for the father on the other end of the line. This is something no parent would want to experience. I try to maintain my composure as I gather all the essential information. Name, address, phone numbers, etc. It’s hard not to breakdown myself. I’m only human and a parent myself. I can’t imagine the amount of heartbreak the family is going through. I tell him we will be there in an hour and hang up.
Arriving on scene, the father is there is greet me. He looks so lifeless. Almost a lost shell of a person waiting for someone to tell him what to do and where to go next. His wife and children are with family grieving. He is here with me, trying to hold on to himself and I can just feel the sadness radiating off him. He needs to be strong. But, how can you be when something like this happens?
Children are so precious and innocent. You bring their little souls into this world, raise them, and try your best to guide them towards what is right. They are your future, the greatest gift. A part of the next generation to change the World.
Then, it is all gone in an instant.
He leaves, Bio-One gets prepared.
We walk into the scene and begin our work. I won’t discuss the details. I feel a lump in my throat, but I push through. I think of my own children back home. I need to do all I can on my part to help this family. Another little light gone.
Bio-One deals in Trauma Scene Cleanups every day, but suicide is something that never gets easy! If you have thoughts of suicide, feeling frustrated, or just want to talk, please reach out and seek help. Whether is it to your parents, teachers, counselors, etc. If that is too close for comfort, you can always call the National Suicide Hotline. They are available 24/7/365. They are professional and ready to listen. Just know that you matter and are more valuable than you may believe. You are a light in this World, growing and getting a little brighter each day. Don’t let it go out too soon!